My Favourite Blogs of January
I’m seeing a lot of bloggers sharing their ‘monthly favourites’ at the minute. But my blog doesn’t really focus on recommending new products (I’m not sure if my blog focuses on anything to be honest). So I thought, instead of sharing my recommended products of the month, I could share my recommended blogs of the month! I’m hoping to make this a thing and maybe encourage bloggers to shares other people’s work every now and then.
I’ve only just turned 22 but I related to so many things on this list, especially point number 7. Seriously, these women who wear heels as part of their everyday outfit, how do you do it?? My feet get tired after half an hour in heels, how do you manage a night out in them?
Some great tips here for anyone struggling to make good on those promises they made to themselves at the beginning of the year. As long as those promises were about becoming fitter anyway. This post will be no good if your resolution was 'to read more'. Her first point is to find a way of exercising that you find fun and I completely agree! If you’re struggling to find an exercise method you enjoy, check out my blog on Zumba.
My boyfriend and I hoping to move out this year into our own house and this post just made me want it so much more! I want to feel this excitement of receiving the keys to your new home!
LOVED this post! Get your feminist fix here, people! Learning about Egyptians is fun and all but why are current issues not given as much importance in school? I heard somewhere that there’s discussion of removing the Suffragette movement from the syllabus. Excuse me, what??
One of my new year’s resolutions was to get up earlier in the mornings. I’m not doing so well yet. I’m going to start practising some of these tips and maybe I’ll be able to see 8am without a sleep fog smothering my brain.
Looking to add to your book list? This one sounds pretty good, I’m definitely adding it to my list!
There are loads of blogs out there with tips for other bloggers but I found this one particularly helpful. Search Engine Optimisation is something that confused me a little at first but Christie made it understandable for me. I look forward to part two!
This! I relate to this blog so much! I started blogging because I wanted a space to put my thoughts. I sort of gave myself three categories; craft tutorials, book and film reviews, and then a third, undefined category for what I guess could be described as ‘lifestyle’ (loosely). I know I’m not a typical blogger but I like what I write about so Imma keep doing what I’m doing.
Natalie is a friend of mine and she’s still just setting up her blog but I think this is a really important read so I want to share it as much as I can. If you know anyone who is going to/is currently in/has just graduated from drama school, send them this blog. The exploitation of recent theatre graduates is, frankly, scary.
I really, really, REALLY want to take up quilting. There just seem to be so many things you can do! Maybe, one day, I’ll make all 50 patterns in this blog but first I need to buy some pretty material and a book on how to do it.